Illustrator Animals

1. What was the task you were asked to complete?

The task we were asked to complete was to
use Adobe Illustrator to recreate cartoon animals.


 2. How successful were you at completing this task?

I believe I success full at completing
this task because my finished products resembled that of the ones I was recreating from the original picture.

3. What skills did you have to use to complete this task?

In this task I had to use a variety of skills in Adobe Illustrator. I had to use my line drawing skills to get the correct line lengths with the correct curves. I also used my newly developed skills with the direct select tool in order to deform the circle I drew to create the egg like structure of the main bodies.

4. In what ways were your skillset challenged during this project?

During this task my skills were challenged all the time. This was because Adobe Illustrator was very new to me so simple tasks like knowing which tool to use required a good thinking before carrying out.

5. If you were to carry out the task again, what changes would you make?

If I were to carry out the production of this animal again I would spend more time
trying to perfect my choice of colours and work better at creating facial features like
the pigs ears.

6. How did you perform working Independently?

I believe I worked very well independently in this task. I think that this task requires
lots of concentration otherwise it can be easy to make a mistake.

7. What aspect of the project did you enjoy most?

The aspect of the project which I enjoyed most was the freedom of choosing which
animals we wanted to recreate and just going for it.

8. How could you apply the skills you learned in this project to other projects?

I believe my new understanding of tools such as the two types of select tools and
the pen tool will help me to create new art pieces in Adobe Illustrator.


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