Presenting Data

Difference Between Primary/Secondary Data

The difference between Primary and Secondary Data is that Primary Data is collected first hand and is raw data, for example primary data would be collected if someone went out with a survey. On the other hand is secondary data, this is data which is collected from something else - for example collecting information from books, magazines and newspapers.

I got this information from:

Average Viewing Time

Teenager - 20hrs a week Post (2019). Teen Health and the Media. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov. 2019].

Monday - Friday (w/c 28)

A - Sleep
B - Fruit
C - Exercise

Monday:  A - 9 Hours B - 2 Apples C - Gym 1hr
Tuesday:  A - 8 Hours B - 2 Apples C - None
Wednesday: A - 8 Hours B - 2 Apples C - Gym 1hr
Thursday: 6 hours B - 2 Apples 1 Banana C - None
Friday: A - 8 Hours B - 2 Apples C - None

Monday - Friday (w/c 11)

A - Sleep
B - Fruit
C - Exercise
Monday: A - 6hrs B - 1 Apples C - None
Tuesday A - 6hrs  B - 2 Apples
C - Gym 1hr
Wednesday 5hrs B - 2 Apples C - Gym 1hr
Thursday A - 6hrs B - 1 Apple - Biking 30Mins
Friday A - 7hrs B - 2 Apples C - Biking 30Mins

Class Height


Positive relationship - Data goes in same direction.
Inverse relationship - Data that goes in opposite direction between two variables.
Correlation - A mutual connection between two or more things that don't cause each other.
Causation - The relationship between cause and effect.


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